Empower Your Mind: Daily Rituals for Enhanced Mental Well-being

woman mediating with hands in prayer in front of her chest

Prioritizing mental wellness is as crucial as tending to your physical health. Here are various activities to seamlessly weave into your daily routine, fostering a positive impact on your mental well-being:

Aerobic Exercises
Engage in activities like walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, or dancing for at least 30 minutes daily. These exercises elevate your heart rate, triggering the release of endorphins, the body’s natural mood lifters.

Yoga and Mindfulness
Embrace yoga’s diverse poses and stretches to enhance flexibility, strength, and balance. More than just physical benefits, yoga nurtures mindfulness, bringing calmness and reducing mental stress. Whether through classes or online tutorials like ‘Yoga For Complete Beginners – 20 Minute Home Yoga Workout!’ on YouTube, immerse yourself in this practice.

Yoga For Complete Beginners – 20 Minute Home Yoga Workout!

Meditation and Breathing Exercises
Discover a serene, comfortable space where you can focus on your breath. Try inhaling through your nose for 4 seconds, holding for 7 seconds, and exhaling through your mouth for 8 seconds. This rhythmic breathing slows heart rate and eases stress. Online resources, such as meditation guides on YouTube, can guide you further.


Outdoor Activities
Nature holds a remarkable ability to alleviate stress, elevate mood, and instill feelings of relaxation. Dedicate at least 30 minutes to hiking or indulge in gardening to soak in the benefits of the outdoors.

Gratitude Journaling
Cultivate a habit of jotting down three things you’re grateful for daily. Celebrate simple joys like a captivating sunset or profound blessings like a loving family. This practice fosters a positive mindset and shapes a brighter perspective on life.

By integrating these exercises into your routine, you’ll nurture both your physical and mental well-being, fostering a happier and healthier lifestyle. Remember, if you find yourself struggling or feeling overwhelmed, seeking professional help and guidance is a valuable step towards prioritizing your mental health.

Disclaimer: No content on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from your doctor or other qualified clinician.

10 Health Tips for a Happy Lunar New Year & Nutritious Recipe!

new year background with fruit and vegetables, plus red-colored decorative tassels and bowls

As the Lunar New Year approaches, embracing joy and good health is essential. Here are ten quick tips for celebrating while staying healthy, along with a delicious and nutritious recipe:

  • Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water to stay refreshed and aid digestion.
  • Balanced Feasting: Enjoy delicious foods while incorporating fruits, veggies, and lean proteins.
  • Mindful Eating: Appreciate each bite and watch portion sizes to avoid overeating.
  • Stay Active: Take family walks or join in traditional dances to keep moving.
  • Prioritize Rest: Get enough sleep to recharge your body and mind.
  • Moderate Sweets: Indulge in sweets in moderation to limit sugar intake.
  • Limit Alcohol: If you drink, do so responsibly and in moderation.
  • Hand Hygiene: Keep hands clean to prevent the spread of germs during gatherings.
  • Manage Stress: Take breaks and practice relaxation techniques to reduce stress.
  • Cherish Connections: Spend quality time with loved ones for a fulfilling celebration.


Nutritious RecipeGold and Silver Dessert Soup (2 servings)


  • Corn Kernels 1/2 medium bowl
  • Water Chestnuts 1/2 medium bowl (~5-6 pieces)
  • Snow Fungus 1 piece (~10g)
  • Calcium fortified soy milk 1.5 cup (360mL)
  • Water 0.5 cup (120mL)


  1. Immerse the white fungus in water until soften, wash thoroughly then tear to small pieces for use
  2. Wash the water chestnuts, peel and cut into small cubes
  3. Put water into saucepan, add corn kernels and water chestnuts to cook for 15-20 minutes, then add white fungus and Calcium fortified soy milk to boil. Ready to serve.

Dietitian’s Tips:

  • The use of corn kernels, water chestnuts and white fungus provides not only crunchy texture but also increases the fibre content of the dessert soup.
  • Calcium fortified soy milk contains sugar, we can add less sugar when cooking while increases our calcium intake.

Nutrient Analysis (1 serving):

  • Energy (kcal) 141.3
  • Protein (g) 5.6
  • Fat (g) 3.3
  • Carbohydrate (g) 22.1
  • Fiber (g) 2.9
  • Calcium (mg) 308.7


Disclaimer: No content on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from your doctor or other qualified clinician.

Source: https://www.studenthealth.gov.hk/

Diabetes: Understanding Risks for Asian Americans

Person's hand holding a tray of fruit with a blood sugar measurer in the background.

In the U.S., over 1 in 5 people with diabetes are unaware they have it. Shockingly, among Asian Americans, this figure jumps to around 1 in 3. Why the gap in diagnosis?

Weight Isn’t Everything

When it comes to diabetes and weight, it’s not straightforward for Asian Americans. Many might not be considered overweight by usual standards. However, they might have more body fat than expected, especially around their organs. This hidden fat raises diabetes risk, even if they appear slim and healthy.

Looking Beyond the Scale

Typical measures like BMI might miss the risks for Asian Americans. While their BMI could be healthy, their waist size might indicate a higher risk due to hidden fat. For women, a waist over 35 inches and for men, over 40 inches can signal a greater risk of diabetes.

Taking Action

For Asian Americans:

  • If your waist is larger than suggested or your BMI is 23 or higher, talk to your doctor about diabetes risk.
  • Diabetes often starts silently. Regular blood sugar tests can catch it early, helping manage it effectively.

Prevention Through Awareness

Type 2 diabetes isn’t inevitable. Understanding the unique risks faced by Asian Americans, along with tailored health checks, can help catch diabetes early and make lifestyle changes to prevent it.[fancy_box box_style=”color_box_basic” icon_family=”none” box_color=”#5b9091″ box_color_opacity=”0″ box_alignment=”left” border_radius=”5px” image_loading=”default” enable_animation=”true” animation=”fade-in-from-bottom” delay=”200″]

Chinese Hospital Diabetes Prevention Program

The Chinese Hospital Diabetes Prevention Program stands as a beacon of support, guided by trained lifestyle coaches who implement a CDC-approved curriculum. This year-long program offers a comprehensive array of lessons, handouts, and resources designed to facilitate profound lifestyle changes. The program is thoughtfully structured into two distinct phases.

During the initial six months, participants engage in weekly meetings focused on educating them about healthy eating habits, integrating physical activity, managing stress, and overcoming challenges. The subsequent six months transition to less frequent yet crucial sessions aimed at reinforcing acquired skills, ensuring lasting lifestyle changes.

For those at risk, joining our Diabetes Prevention Program can substantially reduce the risk of developing diabetes by an impressive 58%.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Age: Minimum 18 years old
  • BMI: Above 25, or above 23 for Asians
  • HgbA1c levels: Ranging from 5.7 to 6.4
  • History of Gestational diabetes

If you believe you meet the eligibility criteria or require further information, please contact our clinic at 1-628-228-2828 or email us at [email protected].[/fancy_box]

Disclaimer: No content on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from your doctor or other qualified clinician.

Reference: https://www.cdc.gov/diabetes/library/spotlights/diabetes-asian-americans.html.

Understanding Thyroid Health: Importance, Testing, and Early Detection

women touching her lower neck

The thyroid gland, a small butterfly-shaped organ in the neck, wields tremendous power over our bodies. Responsible for regulating metabolism, energy levels, and other vital functions, the thyroid plays a crucial role in our overall health. However, when this gland falters, it can lead to thyroid diseases that significantly impact our well-being. The prevalence of thyroid disorders has been on the rise, making awareness and timely detection more important than ever.Thyroid diseases encompass a spectrum of conditions, with two prevalent types: hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. Hypothyroidism occurs when the thyroid produces insufficient hormones, leading to symptoms such as fatigue, weight gain, and depression. On the other hand, hyperthyroidism results from an overactive thyroid, causing symptoms like weight loss, anxiety, and a rapid heart rate.

Recognizing these symptoms is the first step, prompting the need for comprehensive thyroid testing. Fortunately, there are various avenues for assessment:

  1. Begin with a Neck Check, a simple self-examination. Stand before a mirror, take a sip of water, and observe for any abnormal lumps, bulges, or protrusions in the lower base of the neck while swallowing. Any noticeable irregularities should be discussed promptly with a healthcare professional.
  2. Blood tests form the cornerstone of thyroid evaluation. These tests measure thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), triiodothyronine (T3), thyroxine (T4), and thyroid antibodies. They provide a comprehensive view of hormone levels and detect potential autoimmune conditions affecting the thyroid.
  3. For a more detailed analysis, imaging tests like thyroid ultrasounds come into play. These scans reveal the thyroid’s shape, size, position, and any nodules or lumps in the neck region. They are instrumental in diagnosing structural abnormalities and guiding further treatment decisions.

Who should consider a thyroid test? The answer is simple: almost everyone, especially individuals experiencing unexplained changes in weight, energy levels, mood swings, or disturbances in bodily functions. Furthermore, women, particularly those who are pregnant or in their postpartum phase, should pay extra attention to thyroid health, as imbalances can affect both maternal and fetal well-being.

The benefits of early detection through thyroid tests are immense. Timely diagnosis allows for prompt intervention and proper management, preventing the progression of thyroid diseases and reducing associated complications. With appropriate treatment, individuals can experience a significant improvement in their symptoms and overall quality of life.

If you believe you are eligible for screening or notice any changes that may be of concern, we encourage you to take the next step towards your health. Please call 1-628-228-2828 to schedule an appointment with our experienced providers.


Disclaimer: No content on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from your doctor or other qualified clinician.

Empowering Health: Lifestyle Changes for Lowering Blood Pressure

person measuring their blood pressure with assistance from another person

Maintaining healthy blood pressure is a cornerstone of preventing heart disease and fostering overall well-being. The most effective approach to lowering blood pressure involves sustained behavioral changes that encompass various aspects of life: diet, exercise, sleep quality, stress management, and more. This holistic strategy is paramount in supporting a healthy heart and body.

Dietary Approach
The DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) eating plan is a robust foundation for managing blood pressure through nutrition. It emphasizes whole, natural foods rich in essential nutrients. Prioritize:

  • Fruits and Vegetables: Incorporate a colorful variety, ensuring a wide range of vitamins and minerals.
  • Whole Grains: Opt for unprocessed grains like brown rice, quinoa, and whole wheat bread for fiber and nutrients.
  • Lean Proteins: Choose sources like skinless poultry, fish, nuts, and legumes for essential protein without excessive saturated fats.
  • Limit Intake: Reduce saturated and trans fats, sodium (commonly found in salt), fatty and red meats, sweets, added sugars, and sugar-laden beverages.

Moderate Physical Activity
Regular exercise complements dietary changes in managing blood pressure. Strive for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity per week, such as brisk walking, jogging, or hiking. Every session contributes, and breaking these sessions into smaller chunks, like a 15-minute walk after meals, can be highly effective. Additionally, integrate flexibility, stretching, and muscle-strengthening exercises into your routine for comprehensive health benefits.

Stress Management
Stress significantly impacts blood pressure. Prioritize stress reduction by:

  • Time Management: Allocate sufficient time for tasks and prioritize effectively.
  • Identifying Triggers: Recognize stress triggers to proactively manage responses.
  • Practicing Gratitude: Embrace gratitude practices to cultivate a positive mindset.
  • Mindfulness Techniques: Engage in meditation, deep breathing exercises, or yoga to promote relaxation and mental clarity.

Quality Sleep
Sleep plays a pivotal role in overall health, including blood pressure regulation. Strive for consistent, quality sleep by establishing a sleep routine, creating a conducive sleep environment, and ensuring adequate rest.

Experience Personalized Support
At Chinese Hospital and Clinics, our dedicated team specializes in lifestyle coaching focused on effective blood pressure management. We provide personalized consultations, thorough assessments, and tailored plans to meet your unique needs. Our experienced professionals are committed to offering the support and tools necessary for your well-being. Reach out to us today at 1-628-228-2828 to start your personalized journey toward improved health.


Disclaimer: No content on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from your doctor or other qualified clinician.

Chinese Hospital Receives Generous Support from Treasurer Fiona Ma and Chinese Hospital Auxiliary for Jack Lee Fong Lung Health Matching Grant Initiative

Check presentation with Treasurer Ma and Chinese Hospital Auxiliary holding large novelty check

Chinese Hospital is delighted to announce the significant contributions and support received from California State Treasurer Fiona Ma and Chinese Hospital Auxiliary, resulting in raising over $25,000 for the Jack Lee Fong Lung Health Matching Grant Initiative.

Established a year ago, the Jack Lee Fong Lung Health Matching Grant Challenge aims to raise awareness about lung cancer prevention and the importance of early screening. Notably, in 2022, Chinese Hospital achieved an impressive screening rate of over 40% among eligible patients, a remarkable surge compared to the 4.5% national average reported by the American Lung Association in the same year.

The primary objective of the Lung Health Initiative is to elevate the screening rate and provide resources and education on lung health and cancer prevention to our community and patients.

“We are grateful for the dedication and generosity shown by Treasurer Fiona Ma and her charity partner – Catwalk for Charitable Causes, Chinese Hospital Auxiliary, and the Jack Lee Fong Family. Their commitment has empowered us to make substantial strides in our mission to enhance lung health awareness and screenings,” remarked Dr. Jian Zhang, CEO of Chinese Hospital.

The support from Treasurer Fiona Ma, Catwalk for Charitable Causes, Chinese Hospital Auxiliary, and the incredible $125,000 grant from the Jack Lee Fong Family played a critical role in launching this transformative initiative. These contributions not only kickstarted the initiative but also sparked further generous donations, reinforcing our commitment to fighting lung cancer and advocating for lung health in our community.

“Chinese Hospital is a trusted pillar of the community, providing access to excellent healthcare for San Francisco residents for over 124 years. Thanks to the generosity of the Fong Family and their Lung Health Initiative, Chinese Hospital continues to create a healthier Bay Area and meet the specific health challenges of its patients.” said Treasurer Fiona Ma.

The continuous support and collaborative efforts reinforce Chinese Hospital’s commitment to improving the health and well-being of our community. If you share our vision and wish to contribute to the Jack Lee Fong Lung Health Matching Grant Initiative, please visit www.chinesehospital-sf.org/lunghealthinitiative or call 1-415-677-2470. Together, we’re making impactful strides in raising awareness about lung health and providing essential early screenings for those who need it most.


Media Contact:
Jenni Lau
[email protected]

Events & Campaigns 2023

Chinese Hospital America's Best-in-State Hospitals in English

[fancy_box box_style=”image_above_text_underline” image_url=”2779″ image_aspect_ratio=”4-5″ link_new_tab=”true” content_color=”#000000″ border_radius=”default” image_loading=”default” enable_animation=”true” animation=”fade-in-from-right” image_size=”large” delay=”500″ link_url=”https://chinesehospital-sf.org/golf2023/”]10/23/2023

Chinese Hospital 28th Charity Golf Tournament
We are extremely grateful and humbled by the support of the community and our sponsors. Thank you all for your support, contributions, and trust in our mission and service to the community.[/fancy_box][fancy_box box_style=”image_above_text_underline” image_url=”7330″ image_aspect_ratio=”4-5″ content_color=”#000000″ border_radius=”default” image_loading=”default” enable_animation=”true” animation=”fade-in-from-right” image_size=”large” delay=”500″]12/31/2023

Donor List (10/2022 to 09/2023)
Thank you very much to our generous donors.[/fancy_box]

Chinese Hospital Named in Newsweek’s “Best-in-State Hospitals” 2024

Chinese Hospital America's Best-in-State Hospitals in English

San Francisco Chinese Hospital is proud to announce its recognition in the Newsweek and Statista’s America’s Best-in-State Hospitals, ranking as California’s #33 among 337(1) statewide, and earning a place among the top four hospitals in San Francisco. This notable recognition, presented by Newsweek and Statista Inc., a leading statistics portal and industry ranking provider, solidifies Chinese Hospital’s position among the nation’s elite institutions committed to delivering exceptional patient care and upholding the highest safety standards.

Newsweek’s rankings spotlight hospitals demonstrating an unparalleled commitment to quality healthcare and patient well-being. In its inaugural year of receiving this esteemed recognition, Chinese Hospital proudly stands among those acknowledged for their commitment to excellence.

“We’re honored to be recognized among the best hospitals across the nation,” stated Dr. Jian Zhang, CEO of Chinese Hospital. “Over the past few years, Chinese Hospital has undergone a transformative journey, growing and evolving into a leading healthcare provider by establishing partnerships with some of the best health systems in the San Francisco Bay Area and the San Francisco Department of Public Health (SFDPH). This national recognition serves as validation of our team’s growth mindset and collective commitment to providing access and delivering world-class, equitable care to our patients at every level and in every community we serve.”

Beyond the accolades from Newsweek, Chinese Hospital consistently demonstrates excellence in safety and quality across various healthcare rating systems, receiving an “A” grade from The Leapfrog Group in Spring 2023 and a 4-star rating from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.

“Even in the face of limited resources, we are steadfast in delivering quality care to the communities we serve. This achievement is a source of immense pride, underscoring the hard work, exceptional skills, and unwavering dedication of our teams,” said Dr. Kin Yee, Chair of Chinese Hospital Board.

Chinese Hospital, the only independent hospital in San Francisco, has consistently expanded its services over the past 124 years to meet the diverse needs of communities in San Francisco and northern San Mateo County. The dedication to excellence surpasses mere rankings, reflecting an unwavering commitment to continual improvement.

As a community hospital, Chinese Hospital continues to broaden its geographical footprint and impact by cultivating meaningful partnerships with UCSF Health, the San Francisco Department of Public Health (SFDPH), and Zuckerberg San Francisco General (ZSFG). The steadfast dedication remains resolute, driven by the goal to deliver exceptional care, foster innovation, and positively transform lives within the communities served.

The America’s Best-In-State Hospitals 2024 ranking was created to identify the top hospitals at the state level. Hospitals from all US states were eligible for the ranking and included in the nationwide survey. Four data sources were used for the evaluation:

  • Nationwide online survey of tens of thousands of health care professionals (doctors, hospital managers, and others);
  • Publicly available data from hospital surveys of patient experience during their hospitalizations. Survey topics included cleanliness of the hospital, communication by the nurses/doctors, care transition, communication about medicines, discharge information, quietness, and staff responsiveness.
  • Hospital quality metrics from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services was available for mortality, safety, readmission, experience, and timely and effective care;
  • The implementation of Patient Reported Outcome Measures online survey (completed by patients to measure their perception of their functional well-being and quality of life).

For additional information about Chinese Hospital, please visit www.chinesehospital-sf.org.



Media Contact
Jenni Lau
[email protected]

Natural Cold Remedies to Soothe Your Symptoms

mug of herbal tea with honey, lemon, and ginger

Remember, if your symptoms persist or worsen, it’s important to consult a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and treatment.


Disclaimer: No content on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from your doctor or other qualified clinician.

Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Understanding, Detection, and Action

pink ribbon above pink background for breast cancer awareness month

Breast cancer is a disease characterized by the uncontrolled growth of cells in breast tissue. While it predominantly affects women, it can also occur in men, although this is rare. Risk factors include age, family history, genetic mutations (such as BRCA1 and BRCA2), hormonal factors, and lifestyle choices like diet and exercise. Common symptoms include a lump or mass in the breast, changes in breast size or shape, skin alterations on the breast, nipple discharge, and breast pain.Early detection is often the key to successful breast cancer treatment. When breast cancer is detected in its early stages, the chances of complete recovery and survival significantly improve.

  • Perform Self-Exams: Regular self-breast exams can help individuals become familiar with their own bodies and detect any changes. Visit National Breast Cancer Organization’s website for instructions.
  • Schedule Clinical Exams: Regular breast cancer screenings are vital, especially for women aged 40 and older.Your healthcare provider can identify any abnormalities that may require further evaluation.
  • Embrace Mammograms: Mammograms, X-ray images of the breast, are the gold standard for early detection. For women with a higher risk, more frequent screenings or additional tests may be recommended.

If you believe you’re eligible for screening or have concerns about your breast health, please call us at 1-628-228-2828 to schedule an appointment with our providers. Many health plans, including Medicare, cover breast cancer screening without cost-sharing. Contact your health plan to learn more about your benefits.


Disclaimer: No content on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from your doctor or other qualified clinician.