Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Understanding, Detection, and Action

pink ribbon above pink background for breast cancer awareness month

Breast cancer is a disease characterized by the uncontrolled growth of cells in breast tissue. While it predominantly affects women, it can also occur in men, although this is rare. Risk factors include age, family history, genetic mutations (such as BRCA1 and BRCA2), hormonal factors, and lifestyle choices like diet and exercise. Common symptoms include a lump or mass in the breast, changes in breast size or shape, skin alterations on the breast, nipple discharge, and breast pain.Early detection is often the key to successful breast cancer treatment. When breast cancer is detected in its early stages, the chances of complete recovery and survival significantly improve.

  • Perform Self-Exams: Regular self-breast exams can help individuals become familiar with their own bodies and detect any changes. Visit National Breast Cancer Organization’s website for instructions.
  • Schedule Clinical Exams: Regular breast cancer screenings are vital, especially for women aged 40 and older.Your healthcare provider can identify any abnormalities that may require further evaluation.
  • Embrace Mammograms: Mammograms, X-ray images of the breast, are the gold standard for early detection. For women with a higher risk, more frequent screenings or additional tests may be recommended.

If you believe you’re eligible for screening or have concerns about your breast health, please call us at 1-628-228-2828 to schedule an appointment with our providers. Many health plans, including Medicare, cover breast cancer screening without cost-sharing. Contact your health plan to learn more about your benefits.


Disclaimer: No content on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from your doctor or other qualified clinician.