Chinese Hospital Clinics Transitions to Doximity for Telehealth Appointments: Here’s What You Need to Know

girl holding a bottle of medication, videoconferencing her doctor on her mobile phone

Starting May 1, 2023, Chinese Hospital Clinics will be exclusively using Doximity for all telehealth appointments. Doximity is a user-friendly platform that allows patients to connect with their physicians via a secure, no-reply text message. Patients can schedule an appointment with their physician and receive a text message a few minutes before their appointment with a link to the virtual waiting room.

To connect a telehealth call through Doximity, patients should follow these steps:

  1. Once you have scheduled your appointment, you will receive a text message from Doximity’s phone number (starting with “882-86”) a few minutes before your appointment with a link to the virtual waiting room.
  2. Ensure that you are connected to the internet and click on the link to access the waiting room. You will need to allow the platform to access your camera and microphone.
  3. Once you allow access, you will be placed in the waiting room. Click “Join video call” to connect with your physician.
  4. Once the appointment is complete, your physician will end the call. You can exit the waiting room by tapping the red button.

If you accidentally end the call, simply tap the “Rejoin” button to reconnect. If you have any issues connecting to the call or accessing the waiting room, please do not hesitate to contact Chinese Hospital Clinics at 1-628-228-2828 for assistance.

Using Doximity provides several benefits for patients. The platform is compatible with any smartphone, making it easy to use and accessible for all patients. Patients no longer need to worry about downloading an app or creating an account to use the platform. Doximity also ensures the security and privacy of patient information, giving patients peace of mind.

Chinese Hospital Clinics is committed to providing high-quality healthcare services that meet the needs of its patients. The exclusive use of Doximity for telehealth appointments is part of the hospital’s efforts to offer convenient and accessible healthcare services. Patients are encouraged to take advantage of this platform to receive the care they need from the comfort of their homes.


Doximity instructions (English)

Doximity instructions (Chinese)