If you are having surgery

If ordered, a sedative may be given to you during the night before your surgery. Do not eat or drink anything on the day of your surgery unless a doctor or nurse tells you to do so.You may be asked to sign consent forms for certain types of treatments, tests and/or procedures that your doctor has discussed with you and for which you have given your informed consent. If you are unsure of the treatment or procedure, tell your nurse who will notify your doctor.It may be necessary to prepare the area of your body where the surgery will take place. If ordered by the anesthesiologist, you may receive preoperative medication about one hour prior to surgery. You will be taken to the operating room approximately 45 minutes before your planned surgery time. If there is a need to delay your surgery, you will be informed.After surgery, you will be taken to the post-anesthesia care unit (recovery room) where specially trained nurses will monitor your blood pressure, pulse and breathing until you are ready to return to your room or the Intensive Care Unit (if your doctor feels you need closer monitoring). You can expect to continue having frequent checks of your pulse, breathing and blood pressure, as well as observation of surgical site dressings and maintenance of IV solutions. You will be allowed liquids by mouth if ordered by your doctor. Be sure to tell your nurse if you are uncomfortable in any way.Family members may visit you before and after your surgery. However, during your surgery they will be asked to wait in the lobby or in the waiting room (Room # 410). The doctor will come to talk to them after your surgery. Visitors are asked to remain in the lobby until they are notified that you have been transferred back to your room and may receive visitors.