Prioritizing Mental Health: A Path to Well-being and Resilience

back of a smiling woman with hands in a heart gesture in front of the setting sun

Our mental health significantly impacts our overall well-being, shaping our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. In order to foster a healthier community, it is essential to prioritize open conversations, understanding, and support for mental well-being.There are lots of things we can try to take care of our well-being. But it’s not always easy to start. Here are some practical steps to maintain mental health:

The Snow Fox Will

Change Life

We are excited to announce our partnership with the California Quality Collaborative (CQC) on the CalHIVE BHI project. In the next three years, our collaborative efforts will focus on integrating behavioral health services into primary care. The aim is to expand screening, treatment, and referrals for individuals dealing with mild to moderate depression, substance use disorders, and related conditions. This project will enhance the availability and accessibility of mental health resources, ensuring that more individuals can receive the care they need. For more information or to seek support, please contact our clinic at 1-628-228-2828.[nectar_cascading_images image_1_bg_color=”#007c99″ image_1_offset_x_sign=”+” image_1_offset_x=”0%” image_1_offset_y_sign=”+” image_1_offset_y=”0%” image_1_rotate_sign=”+” image_1_rotate=”none” image_1_scale=”1″ image_1_animation=”Grow In” image_1_padding=”auto” image_1_box_shadow=”none” image_1_max_width_desktop=”100%” image_1_max_width_mobile=”100%” image_1_image_width_mobile=”default” image_2_url=”15218″ image_2_offset_x_sign=”+” image_2_offset_x=”25%” image_2_offset_y_sign=”+” image_2_offset_y=”30%” image_2_rotate_sign=”+” image_2_rotate=”none” image_2_scale=”1″ image_2_animation=”Grow In” image_2_padding=”auto” image_2_box_shadow=”none” image_2_max_width_desktop=”100%” image_2_max_width_mobile=”100%” image_2_image_width_mobile=”default” image_3_url=”9196″ image_3_offset_x_sign=”-” image_3_offset_x=”15%” image_3_offset_y_sign=”-” image_3_offset_y=”30%” image_3_rotate_sign=”+” image_3_rotate=”none” image_3_scale=”1″ image_3_animation=”Grow In” image_3_padding=”auto” image_3_box_shadow=”x_large_depth” image_3_max_width_desktop=”100%” image_3_max_width_mobile=”100%” image_3_image_width_mobile=”default” image_4_offset_x_sign=”+” image_4_offset_x=”0%” image_4_offset_y_sign=”+” image_4_offset_y=”0%” image_4_rotate_sign=”+” image_4_rotate=”none” image_4_scale=”1″ image_4_animation=”Fade In” image_4_padding=”auto” image_4_box_shadow=”none” image_4_max_width_desktop=”100%” image_4_max_width_mobile=”100%” image_4_image_width_mobile=”default” element_sizing=”default” image_loading=”default” border_radius=”none” overflow=”visible”]Disclaimer: It’s important to note that these tips are not intended to replace advice from a healthcare professional. If you have concerns about your health or medical conditions, consult with your physician before making any significant changes to your routine.
