Supporting a Loved One Through Depression

Depressed woman seated and holding her hand to her forehead, plus a man holding her other hand and offering support.
  • Educate Yourself: Understanding depression is the first step in providing effective support. Learn about its symptoms, potential causes, and available treatment options. Knowledge will not only help you comprehend your loved one’s experiences but also enable you to offer appropriate assistance.
  • Foster Open Communication: Depression often leads to feelings of isolation and despair. Create a safe, non-judgmental space for your loved one to express their thoughts and feelings. Actively listen without interruption. Reassure them that you are there to support them and that they can confide in you about anything.
  • Show Empathy and Validation: Demonstrate empathy and validation by acknowledging their emotions and experiences. Let them know that their feelings are entirely valid. Avoid dismissing their struggles with phrases like “snap out of it” or “it’s not that bad.” Offer genuine empathy and reassurance.
  • Be Patient and Understanding: Recovery from depression doesn’t follow a set timeline. Be patient and understanding. Avoid expressing frustration or impatience. Assure them that you are committed to supporting them through the ups and downs.
  • Practice Self-Care: Supporting someone with depression can be emotionally draining. Prioritize your own well-being. Maintain your physical and mental health by taking breaks when necessary and seeking support if you feel overwhelmed.
  • Encourage Professional Help: Depression is a serious medical condition that may require professional intervention. Gently encourage them to seek help from a mental health professional if their symptoms worsen or persist. Offer support in finding a therapist and accompany them to appointments if needed.

Supporting a loved one through depression requires education, empathy, and patience. Remember that your unwavering support can be a beacon of hope in their darkest moments.Henry G.C. Poon, Ph.D., LMFT.

Specialty: Marriage and Family Therapy
Language spoke: English, Cantonese, Mandarin, Japanese

Dr. Poon has 20 years of experience in marriage and family therapy with special training and skill in interviewing, diagnosing, counseling, and treating clients with different kinds of mental and emotional disorders within the context of marriage and family. Dr. Poon cares for people of all ages, – from children to the elderly. He provides mental health, emotional support, and counseling services to individuals, couples, families, and groups with cultural competence. Dr. Poon believes that addressing issues immediately, whether they are physical or mental, is extremely important to a patient’s health. “It is paramount to recognize and reach out to mental health services especially when things feel as if they are falling apart. I highly encourage people to address such issues instead of letting them stew for years,” Dr. Poon states.Appointment or Inquiry

For an appointment or inquiries, please call 1-628-228-2828.Disclaimer: No content on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from your doctor or other qualified clinician.