Empowering Women to Prioritize Lung Health: The Importance of Lung Health Screening

Three young women talking and lounging on a bed

Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death among women, responsible for more deaths than breast, ovarian, and uterine cancers combined. In fact, according to the American Cancer Society, an estimated 59,910 women will die from lung cancer in 2023 alone.

However, the good news is that lung health screening can significantly improve the chances of survival. In fact, studies have shown that screening with low-dose CT scans can reduce the risk of dying from lung cancer by up to 20% compared to screening with traditional chest x-rays.

Despite these benefits, many women are still not getting screened for lung cancer. One reason for this low screening rate is lack of awareness. Many women may not realize that they are at risk for lung cancer, even if they have never smoked. In fact, approximately 20% of women who die from lung cancer are non-smokers.

It’s important for all women to talk to their healthcare provider about their risk for lung cancer and whether they may be a candidate for screening. The US Preventive Services Task Force recommends that women aged 50-80 years old who have a history of smoking or who have quit within the past 15 years should be screened for lung cancer.

By taking steps to improve lung health, such as avoiding smoking and secondhand smoke, wearing masks to protect against air pollution, and staying physically active, women can also reduce their risk of lung cancer and other lung diseases.


Help to build a community free of lung disease

Support “Chinese Hospital/Jack Lee Fong Family Lung Health Initiative Matching Challenge” and make a donation that will save lives! By making a tax-deductible donation, you can help fund important programs such as lung disease and lung cancer treatments, CT screenings, and lung health education. Every contribution counts and can make a difference in the lives of those affected by lung disease. Make a donation today. For more information, please visit Jack Lee Fong Family Lung Health Initiative Matching Challenge page.Disclaimer: It’s important to note that these tips are not intended to replace advice from a healthcare professional. If you have concerns about your health or medical conditions, consult with your physician before making any significant changes to your routine.